Hello friends!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be no longer be posting on this little blog! I finally designed a new one that fits my personality and new direction! I made it for my photography, but I just don't want to separate the other things I write about from my business. It's all part of who I am. I never really liked having the real me here, and the professional me over there. My goal is to be honest and real about everything. After thinking a lot about it, I decided I should just post over there. (Plus I just love my new site. It's so much better than this one! Hehe. I get so happy just looking at it!)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know so that you all to change the url to http://www.jenniferblairblog.com in your readers, if you want to that is! :) This time last year I never would have dreamed that you all would come along side me in this journey. I've made so many friends that have been a blessing to me! I am truly thankful for all of you. I am looking forward to sharing more of life with you all. I hope join me in my new adventures on my new site here.
Thank you guys for being such a blessing and an encouragement to me. I wish I could thank each of you in person.
Much love,
PS: I moved my google friend connect followers over there now, but I'm still working out a few things. I'm no internet/ blog guru! If any of you are having trouble with google friend connect, I switched to bloglovin' and I love it! It's so much easier to keep up with all my blogs now! If you have any questions about it, just email me!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be no longer be posting on this little blog! I finally designed a new one that fits my personality and new direction! I made it for my photography, but I just don't want to separate the other things I write about from my business. It's all part of who I am. I never really liked having the real me here, and the professional me over there. My goal is to be honest and real about everything. After thinking a lot about it, I decided I should just post over there. (Plus I just love my new site. It's so much better than this one! Hehe. I get so happy just looking at it!)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know so that you all to change the url to http://www.jenniferblairblog.com in your readers, if you want to that is! :) This time last year I never would have dreamed that you all would come along side me in this journey. I've made so many friends that have been a blessing to me! I am truly thankful for all of you. I am looking forward to sharing more of life with you all. I hope join me in my new adventures on my new site here.
Thank you guys for being such a blessing and an encouragement to me. I wish I could thank each of you in person.
Much love,
PS: I moved my google friend connect followers over there now, but I'm still working out a few things. I'm no internet/ blog guru! If any of you are having trouble with google friend connect, I switched to bloglovin' and I love it! It's so much easier to keep up with all my blogs now! If you have any questions about it, just email me!
Here is my new blog button!