Friday, August 27, 2010

The Beloved Ivories

The Piano.

I can hardly articulate what I experience when my fingers touch the keys. Its like I am awakened in a different way. I breathe deeply, feel deeply. I lose myself. When I feel things that can't be spoken, the music I play voices them without words. Its beautiful. Sadly, my hands don't have the pleasure of making music as much as I would like anymore. During my college days, the piano practice rooms were often my late evening haunt. All my frustrations, worries, fears, joys, delights and praises were poured out there and transformed.

Today, my heart is full. I just want to find a piano in the middle of an obscure field. And play. I want to play, until the sun sets behind me and dusk covers me. Give me my beloved ivories. My soul needs them today.

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