Thursday, June 10, 2010

Newly-wed goals

I was thinking about my life today. There are several things that I want to strive for in the coming months. Some are serious and some not so serious. Things are changing!

  1. Learn how to cook meat well (my last attempt at steak didn't turn out as well as I would have liked)
  2. Try a new recipe once every 10 days
  3. Find healthy go-to meals for the Mr. and myself
  4. Finish sorting out all of our wedding things that are stacked in our spare room
  5. Thank you notes. Blah, blah, blah! (Not that I don't really want to write's just that there are SO MANY to do. Hundreds. I'm not kidding. HUNDREDS! The mere thought of starting the process is daunting!)


  1. Start my running routine again (I stopped my daily habbit soon after we got engaged)
  2. Go on a bike ride every once in a while (which means getting a bike :)
  3. Drink more water


  1. Spending more time in the Word in the mornings
  2. Pray for my husband and our marriage every day
  3. Pray for the ministries around me
  4. Seek out more ministry opportunities
  5. Become an encourager
  6. Pray for the opportunity to go overseas again soon!


  1. Make some new friends in Dothan! (Lots of my good friends don't live close to me anymore. Sad day)
  2. Throw a fabulous diner party complete with three courses
  3. Have a fun game night
  4. Have a "girl's lunch" once every couple weeks

I also want to read some more good books if anyone know of some! Well, I'm sure there are more things that I will think of later, but that's all for now folks!

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