Monday, December 27, 2010

The night before the night before Christmas

'Twas the night before the night before Christmas and all through the house
All the family was eating, though missing a spouse
Fun times were had and we were without a care
For we knew that Christmas soon would be there

After laughing, eating and YouTube-ing 'til sore in the head
Of to the Christmas tree they all soon sped
To open up presents quick as a snap
While their sister was home there was no time for a nap

Then they sang very loud, making a lots of noise
Enjoying being with each other, full of joy
'Twas a lovely visit to be with family galore
And I left hoping for Christmases like it...many, many more

That's my version anyway.

This Christmas was not only my first with my hubs, but it was also the first away from my family. Fortunately, I was able to go see them after work Wednesday evening and stay until Friday morning.

Before I left, my dear best friend stopped by to see me on her way home for Christmas.

My sisters! It was fun getting ready for our "mini Christmas" while I was home.

Mom even pulled out the crystal glasses like she normally does on Christmas!

The stockings are ready for Santa.

Here we are, all 6 of us kids!

This back massager is FANTASTIC!

Luke: too tough to die...or at least that's what I think.

I made my sister matching book page canvases with their initials on them.

"The Christian Atheist" - It looks like a good book!

I love my Dad!

We ended the evening with our annual production of the Christmas story.

The visit was far too short, but I'm thankful for being able to see them. I am so blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. 

Next stop, Christmas Eve!

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